1/72 Hawker Hurricane

After watching “Squadron 303” and “Hurricane” about the Polish fighter pilots that flew for the RAF in the Battle of Britain, I thought I would put together this 1/72 Hawker Hurricane kit that I had in the stash.  I’m not sure what kit it is, it came in a ziploc bag.  

Pretty straightforward, I used Tamiya acrylic NATO Brown and NATO Green for the camouflage.  I airbrushed the fuselage, upper wings, and tail with NATO brown.  It also would act as a primer for painting the light color underneath and the green parts of the camouflage.

The kit came with a little pilot. Let’s call him “Zumbach”.

I airbrushed the underside of the wings with Testors Modelmaster Acrylic Duck Egg Blue. These Modelmaster paints do not adhere very nicely.

I did the canopy using the tape technique — painting some Tamiya masking tape with the canopy frame color then cutting it into thin strips and applying it where the canopy frame is.  This works well for these WWII aircraft with lots of canopy framing.  

So once gain, I made my own decals representing 303 Squadron.  This time, they didn’t work out quite as well.  The light letters were completely lost on the dark colors of the camouflage.    Even some of the light colors of the roundels (like the yellow) got washed out.  Still learning!

Here is a shot with all the paints used to complete this kit.  It’s kind of surprising how many different colors get applied.

I applied a final clearcote of Vallejo matt finish and the little guy was all done!