Jumping Orca on Acrylic

This is the story of the jumping orca.  I thought this would make a nice acrylic painting, but I needed to learn how to paint snow covered mountains.  I started with some pencil sketches:

Moving on from this, I painted several mountain studies on acrylic paper, largely using craft paint from the dollar store, blue, white and black (some brown).  I watched a lot of Bob Ross and other videos on YouTube to get some idea of the technique, but for some reason, I could never get my palette knife to lay out those natural looking snow highlights.  I used different brushes (filbert and fan) to try and get the same effect.  

So this is the start of the actual painting on a 24″x12″ canvas.  

After adding some sky and water, I blocked in the mountain silhouettes and masked off the straight shoreline.

You can see I drew in the final mountain outlines with a white pencil.

Here are the mountains with some snow and shade added:

Too bad we are going to ruin this nice landscape with  a whale (that joke NEVER gets old).  I traced the orca in using carbon paper from my sketch:

Here we are starting to fill in the orca’s black color:

I tested some splash techniques on my old studies.  The best approach was using a dish washing pad and dabbing the splash on.

So here is the orca with some splash and some highlights to its shiny black skin.  



12×24 Canvas

Winsor and Newton Acrylic Paint

Dollarama Acrylic Paint

Acrylic Brushes

Transfer Paper